Immigration & DACA
HOTLINE TO REPORT ICE 1-844-724-3737
(Mon–Fri, 8 AM–6 PM) to report ICE/CBP activity, learn your rights, and get community support. Operated by the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN).
Immigration Legal Assistance
Click below on any of the organizations to learn more about them:
Free civil legal aid for low income people in Clark County, Washington. Learn about our services, advocacy efforts, and fundraising opportunities. To learn more visit: http://ccvlp.org/
WAISN’s mission is to protect and advance the power of immigrant and refugee communities through a multiracial, multilingual and multi-faith coalition and organizing strategy that educates and mobilizes statewide to uphold and defend the rights and dignity of all immigrants and refugees, centering the voices of impacted communities.
To learn more visit: https://waimmigrantsolidaritynetwork.org/
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education.
To learn more visit: https://www.nwirp.org/
Colectiva Legal del Pueblo is a non-hierarchal collective organization founded for and by undocumented immigrants working to build community leadership and power for migrant justice through legal advocacy and education.
To learn more visit: https://colectivalegal.org
NJP is Washington’s publicly funded statewide legal aid program for low income persons and groups in Washington. Through its eighteen offices and CLEAR, Washington’s centralized intake, advice and referral hotline, NJP provides free legal information, advice, limited assistance, representation, community education, outreach and other community based advocacy.
To learn more visit: https://nwjustice.org
Lutheran Community Services Northwest makes our world a safer, healthier and more hopeful place to live for us all. We help vulnerable children, families, immigrants and others overcome life’s most difficult challenges to become flourishing members of society. Thanks to the support of our generous donors, we save lives and create thriving communities enriched by the diversity and strengths of people who have triumphed over adversity.
To learn more visit: https://lcsnw.org/
US Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values.
Know Your Rights Resources
The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project have compiled several resources to help you understand your rights when interacting with various law enforcement officials and officers. It is important to be aware of your rights and the rights of fellow community members.
To download important documents and flyers visit: https://www.nwirp.org/resources/kyr/
Download more resources:
Video Resources
Immigrant’s Rights: What to do if stopped
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
What are your rights when filming ICE?
TENEMOS DERECHOS: Cuando ICE Está Afuera de Nuestras Puertas (Spanish)
Know your rights: Outside your home
WE HAVE RIGHTS: If ICE Arrests Us (English)