Upcoming Events
Share your event
Do you have an event you'd like to share with our Latinx community in SW WA? Please fill out the form below and we'll publish your event our our events calendar within 2-3 business days upon approval, gracias!

Volunteer Planting at Burnt Bridge Creek
Plant trees to enhance native habitat and improve the water quality of Burnt Bridge Creek with your community.
January 15th, 2024- Register HERE
January 20, 2024 - Register HERE
February 24, 2024 - Register HERE
TIME: 9 AM - 12 PM
9:00 AM - Check in and hike into site
9:20 AM - Introductions, project orientation, safety
9:40 AM - Planting native trees and shrubs (taking personal breaks when needed)
11:40 PM - Wrap up and hike back to parking area
12:00 PM - End of event
Pre-registration is required.
All ages and abilities are welcome. Let us know if you need accommodations to participate.
Youth age 15 + may volunteer without an adult present.
Accessibility: The planting site will be accessed by 10-minute walk on a sloped dirt and rock trail.
We'll provide: Planting gloves, shovels, snacks and warm beverages.
What to wear: Long sleeves, pants, sturdy sneakers or boots. Dress for the weather: extra layers are helpful.
What you should bring: Water bottle, raingear.
Directions: A reminder email with directions and parking info will be sent 3 days before the event.
Questions? Please contact Samantha Dumont at 503-939-7381 or sdumont@estuarypartnership.org
We welcome ALL ages, races and ethnicities, religions, gender identities, countries of origin, sexual orientation, immigrants and refugees, abilities and disabilities, spoken and signed languages. Together, we are a stronger community working toward a common goal.

Speed Mentoring and Business Showcase
This event is hosted by Mercy Corps NW.
Bridging The Gap: Speed Mentoring and Business Showcase, is tailored for current and aspiring entrepreneurs in Southern Washington. The event provides 3 hours of FREE mentoring sessions with local business advisors and experts.
Throughout the 3-hour event, attendees will engage in a series of 1 to 3 mentoring sessions, in addition to attending main stage presentations on the following topics:
Brand Design
Website/Social Media/Digital Marketing
Product/Service Development
Commercial Rights/Contract Negotiation
Business Strategy
Business Operations
Business Loans and Grants
Visit Mercy Corp’s website for more information:
English: https://nw.mercycorps.org/mentorWA
Spanish: https://nw.mercycorps.org/tutoriaWA

YWCA - BIPOC Youth Summit 2023
This year’s Youth of Color Summit is a 2-day event for youth of color ages 13-19 in Clark County where youth can attend workshops, meet with new people, and connect with resources in their community.
Interested in presenting a workshop? Proposals are due by September 18th, 2023 at 10:00AM .
For more information please contact:
Mandipa Masike

Luminaria Dia de Muertos
Step into a world of vibrant traditions and heartfelt remembrance at Esther Short Park as we gather to celebrate Luminaria Día de Muertos, a Day of the Dead ancestral celebration hosted and organized by Vancouver Ballet Folklórico in collaboration with local supporting organizations. This event pays homage to the ancient indigenous tradition of Día de Muertos, a celebration of life, love, and healing that predates colonization.
Join us for an enchanting evening filled with the warm glow of luminarias, each flickering light a symbol of remembrance for those who have departed. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Mexican culture with traditional dances and traditional music, and the presence of guest artists who will weave their artistry into the fabric of this special occasion.
Witness the captivating allure of catrinas and explore the ofrenda, a sacred altar adorned with offerings and memories of our beloved deceased. This free, family-friendly event is open to all, embracing the community in a spirit of togetherness and understanding. Rain or shine, we come together to honor the legacy of Dia de Muertos and create cherished memories that bridge the past with the present.
Mark your calendar and join us for a celebration that transcends time—a luminous tribute to life, love, and the enduring spirit of Dia de Muertos.

Noche de Familia
This event is presented by Clark College and the Office of Diversity. Equity, and Inclusion.
Una noche especial con familias latina. Juntos compartiremos un agradable momento de aprendizaje sobre los programs académicos de Clark College y los recursos que ofrece a sus estudiantes.
¡Habra actividades para niños, antojitos Latinos y bebidas!
Acompañenos en el centro de estudiantes Gaiser Hall
Clark College
1933 Fort Vancouver Way
Vancouver, WA 98663

FREE Latinx Legal Help
Evento de Ayuda Legal Gratuita y Planificación de Seguridad Familiar de Emergencia
Únete a nosotros en un evento vital organizado por YWCA Clark County y el Programa de Abogados Voluntarios del Condado de Clark. Interactúa con abogados voluntarios sobre temas como asuntos familiares, reclamos por lesiones, problemas de vivienda y más. Notarios en el lugar disponibles para la notarización inmediata de documentos.
Para consultas, contacta a [Contacto YWCA Clark County] y [Contacto del Programa de Abogados Voluntarios del Condado de Clark]. No pierdas esta oportunidad de asegurar un futuro más seguro para tu familia.
Entrada libre hasta las 12 PM Por orden de llegada
Tiene preguntas? Llame a (360) 695-5313 o por email info@ccvlp.org
Free Legal Help & Emergency Family Safety Planning Event
Join us for a vital event organized by YWCA Clark County and Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Program (CCVLP). Engage with volunteer lawyers on topics like family matters, injury claims, housing concerns, and more. On-site notaries available for immediate document notarization.
Walk-Ins Welcome Until 12 PM, First Come, First Served
Have questions? Reach out to CCVLP at (360) 695-5313 or via email info@ccvlp.org

Juneteenth Freedom Celebration
Experience the vibrant African American culture at the FREE Juneteenth Freedom Celebration community Event! Join us in celebrating liberty and justice for all. Enjoy delicious food, live music, captivating art, traditional games, and endless fun! Check out the full event schedule at www.JFCvancouver.org.
This event is organized by Odyssey World International Education Services with support from a variety of community sponsors.

FREE Day of Dentistry for the Community
We all deserve a healthy, happy, and pain-free smile, which is why for over 11 years, we are giving away FREE dental care for those without means to pay for dental treatment. We will provide ONE dental treatment 100% FREE OF CHARGE!
All are eligible for one free service of a cleaning, extraction, or filling.
Treatment available to patients of all ages.
Patients will be seen in the order they arrive, so please arrive at the office
early. Please make sure to bring your up-to-date list of medications.
To find out more about Smiles on Us, visit our website: gillespiedentistry.com
or call: 360.892.6132
Todos merecemos estar sanos, felices y tener una sonrisa libre de dolor, por lo que por 11 años hemos proporcionado atención dental GRATIS a quienes no tienen forma de pagar por tratamiento dental. Nosotros le ofrecemos UN tratamiento dental 100% libre de costo!
Todos califican para un servicio gratis de limpieza, extraccion o relleno.
Tratamiento disponible a pacientes de todas las edades
Los pacientes serán vistos en el orden en que lleguen, planeé llegar temprano a nuestra oficina. Asegúrese de traer su lista de medicamentos actual.
Para aprender más sobre Las Sonrisas van en mi Cuenta, (Smile son Us) visite nuestra página web: gillespiedentistry.com o llame al 360-892-6132

Gratis Latinx Ayuda Legal Y Plan De Emergencia Familiar

Pueden ir sin cita hasta las 12pm
Se llamaran por orden de llegada
Cuidado de niños disponible. Se requieren máscarillas en todo momento dentro del edificio de YWCA Clark County.
Hable con Abogados Voluntarios Sobre:
Su Familia (Custodia, Divorcio)
Lesiones Personal (de trabajo o accidentes autos)
Vivienda (Alquiler/Renta)
Ley de Discapacidad
Empleo (sus derechos)
Inmigración Problemas
Testamentos/Poder Legal
~ y ~
Planifique la Seguridad de su Familia y sus Bienes:
Notarios Disponibles para notarizar los documentos de inmediato
Walk-Ins Welcome until 12pm
First Come, First Served
Childcare Available. Masks required at all times while inside the YWCA Clark County building.
Talk to Volunteer Lawyers About:
Your Family (Custody, Divorce)
Injury (From work or car accidents)
Housing (Landlord/Tenant)
Disability Law
Work (Your rights)
Criminal Issues
Wills/Powers of Attorney
Plan for the Safety of Your Family and Your Assets:
Notaries available to notarize the documents right away

No Gotee Cuando Maneje
Organización: Watershed Alliance of SW Washington
Rocio Pedrozo
Para mas información: https://thewatershedalliance.org/event/dont-drip-and-drive-save-the-date-dec-3rd/
”Servicio a la Comunidad que ofrecemos en Watershed Alliance junto con Cascadia Technical Academy.
Los estudiantes de la Academia Técnica Cascadia, elevarán su auto en una grúa para realizar una inspección básica de fugas.
Los asistentes podrán observar su propio carro por abajo y conocer sobre las fugas de líquidos o aceites, cómo encontrarlas y aprender sobre el mantenimiento. Si se logra detectar alguno de esos problema en su auto durante la inspección, los estudiantes podrán asesorarle sobre el costo de la reparación en un taller mecánico confiable. Aparte del beneficio de cerciorarse de tener su vehículo en buen estado, al iniciar la actividad tambien se explicara a los asistentes sobre el impacto que tienen en el ambiente las fugas de líquidos de nuestros automóviles.
La actividad incluye apoyar con un reembolso de hasta $500 USD a quienes decidan reparar su fuga si es que se les detecto alguna en su auto.”
Regístrese HOY y aproveche la tercera sesión en español (12:15-1:30pm) here/aquí.

Latina Entrepreneur Academy
Do you want to start a business?
Want to become a business leader in your community?
Join Latina Entrepreneur Academy!
This 6-week course is designed to provide Latinas with the resources and skills to become successful and confident entrepreneurs. Each week you will learn from Latino/a/x/e professionals essential skills for building your businesses. At the end of the course, each participant will have completed their business plan.
Six consecutive Mondays, beginning October 3 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST
Cost: FREE
Place: Zoom
Topics we'll cover:
How to Start your Business
Developing a Legal Plan
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Writing a Business Plan
Participants who complete the course will be entered into a raffle.
Registration deadline: Monday, September 26, 2022
¿Quieres iniciar un negocio?
¿Quieres convertirte en un líder empresarial en tu comunidad?
¡Únete a la Academia Empresarias Latinas!
Esta serie de 6-semanas está diseñada para brindar a las Latinas los recursos y las habilidades para convertirse en empresarias exitosas y seguras. Cada semana aprenderán de profesionales latinos/a/x/e destrezas esenciales para construir sus negocios. Al final del curso, cada participante habrá completado su plan de negocios.
Seis lunes consecutivos, comenzando el 3 de Octubre | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PST
Costo: Gratuito
Dónde: Zoom
Los temas cubiertos incluyen:
Cómo iniciar su negocio
Crear un plan legal
Asegurar su negocio
Superación del síndrome del impostor
Cómo escribir un plan de negocios
Les participantes que completen el curso participarán en un sorteo.
Fecha límite de inscripción: lunes, 24 de septiembre

Multicultural Resource Fair
Hosted by the Latino Community Resource Group
“This year’s event theme is Reuniting, Reconnecting, Revitalizing and the Latino Community Resource Group (LCRG) has partnered with Fourth Plain Forward to bring this event to our community. The FREE event will feature music, dancing, food, raffles and a children’s entertainment zone including face painting, balloon artist, kid’s games and prizes.“
Questions? Call 360-562-0237
Click Here for Vendor Registration.
“El tema del evento de este año es Reunir, Reconectar, Revitalizar y el Grupo de Recursos de la Comunidad Latina (LCRG) se ha asociado con Fourth Plain Forward para traer este evento a nuestra comunidad. El evento GRATUITO contará con música, baile, comida, rifas y una zona de entretenimiento para niños que incluye pintura de caras, artista de globos, juegos para niños y premios.
Sábado, 17 de Septiembre 2022
11am - 3pm
¿Preguntas? Llamar al (360) 562-0237

Don't Look Up Screening
This Saturday evening, local environmental and EJ orgs are co-sponsoring an outdoor nighttime showing of the award-winning, star-studded, simultaneously hilarious and terrifying film "Don't Look Up," a fictional cultural commentary about humanity's seeming inability to tackle the climate crisis---even when our very existence is so clearly at stake. It examines and indicts the institutions, economic system, and resulting culture that perpetuates ignorance in service of the dangerous status quo in a time of absolute crisis. Washington Environmental Council, LULAC, Columbia Riverkeeper, Sunrise SWWA, United Universalist Church of Vancouver, Vancouver Free Fridge Project, Declare Emergency!, and Citizens' Climate Lobby are all co-sponsors. We hope you'll join us!
This will be in conjunction with a community conversation about solutions to the climate crisis and what can be accomplished in Vancouver/Clark County (hint: there is A LOT), followed by a series of calls-to-action for everyone in attendance. Special guest speaker will be Rebecca Small, Senior Policy Analys for the City of Vancouver, and one of the individuals writing the Climate Action Plan. Bring your own blanket, chair, snacks, and drinks (food and drinks will be available for purchase on site) and get ready to be informed, entertained, and inspired to become an integral part in creating a better world!
*Restrooms will be available*
Note: This film is Rated R for language throughout, some sexual content, graphic nudity and drug content which means it may not be suitable for kids under 17.
We hope to see you!
Date: August 13th
Time: 6 - 10 p.m.
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church at 4505 E 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98661

Free dental services by SmileMobile
The dental team will see patients who are:
Babies up through high school age (21 and under)
Pregnant / postpartum
Adult family members
The SmileMobile services community members with no insurance or with Apple Health (medicaid).
Call today to schedule a dental appointment on SmileMobile!
(888) 286-9105

Learn why our vote matters in Washington State
Come & Learn aboutHow redistricting can impact voter access the voter registration processHow you can still make an impact if you are not eligible to voteConnecting with local legislators Special Guest: The Mexican American Legal Defense Education Fund (MALDEF)

Watershed Alliance of SW WA's Earth Day Walk + Prizes and free raffle!
Family friendly walk at Marine Park in Vancouver! We will be walking about 1.25 miles in a loop along the Columbia River. The trail is wide, paved and flat, so this event is friendly for everyone. Learn fun facts about native and invasive plants. No prior knowledge required! Fun facts for all ages, plus snacks and everyone gets a sticker! (And did we mention the prizes?!)