Celebrating Excellence: SW WA LULAC Awards Scholarship to Alejandra Silva Hernández


On May 19th, 2023, SW WA LULAC Council #47013 had the honor of awarding a scholarship to Alejandra Silva Hernández, a remarkable individual poised to make a tremendous impact in the field of medicine. This achievement not only represents Ale's dedication and achievements but also highlights the unwavering support provided by LULAC in fostering educational opportunities for aspiring Latinx professionals. We’re proud to celebrate the bright future ahead for Ale as she embarks on her journey to become a Latina doctora and begin her medical school journey this fall at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Supporting Latinx Education

Since 1997, the Hispanic Chamber has been dedicated to advancing Latino economic and community vitality through various means, including their scholarship program. With over $3 million awarded to more than 1,100 students throughout Oregon and SW Washington, the Hispanic Chamber's commitment to fostering academic excellence is commendable. Their scholarships, ranging from $6,000.00 to $2,000.00, are made possible by the collective efforts of the Hispanic Chamber, generous individuals, private businesses, and organizations. These scholarships are awarded to students who have not only achieved outstanding academic records but have also made significant contributions to their communities.

Alejandra Silva Hernández: A Rising Star

Alejandra Silva Hernández (Ale) embodies the ideals of academic excellence and community involvement that the Hispanic Chamber seeks to recognize. Ale's educational journey has been one of continuous dedication and remarkable accomplishments. As she prepares to embark on her medical school journey at UW Medicine this fall, her achievements thus far serve as a testament to her unwavering determination.

Ale's academic background is both impressive and extensive. She holds a Master of Public Health degree from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, where she accelerated her studies in General Public Health from 2020 to 2021. Prior to that, she earned a degree in Microbiology from the University of Washington, actively participating in societies such as the Pacific Northwest American Society for Microbiology, Microphiles, and Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Ale has gained invaluable experience through her various roles and contributions to the medical and research communities. As a Training and Advocacy Assistant at Pre-Health Dreamers, Ale has been working diligently to support aspiring healthcare professionals. She has also served as a Spanish Translator at DearPandemic, showcasing her linguistic skills and dedication to bridging language barriers in healthcare communication. Her roles as a Project Coordinator at the University of Washington's School of Medicine and a Bilingual Cancer Information Specialist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center have further honed her skills and passion for making a positive impact in the field of medicine. Currently, she’s a Mentor for the MESA program at Clark College, a program designed to increase the number of historically underrepresented (African American, Native American, Latino/Hispanic, and Pacific Islander/Hawaiian) community college students who transfer to universities and earn STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) bachelor’s degrees.

A Proud Moment for Alejandra and SW WA LULAC:

During the scholarship luncheon, Ale expressed her heartfelt appreciation to the Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber for fostering unity among Latinx communities in Oregon and SW Washington. Ale shared her admiration for the leaders who look like her, emphasizing the profound inspiration she experienced while being surrounded by so many fellow Latinx individuals at the event.

"It is an honor to have been chosen as the recipient of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Scholarship. The combined force of nature that is Diana Perez and LULAC helped me see my potential as a leader as a recent high school graduate, and now they are helping me achieve the next step, having fully embraced my leadership role. #LULACproud."

Embracing a Future of Inspiration and Empowerment

Alejandra Silva Hernández's journey from a first-generation high school graduate to an aspiring Latina doctor is a testament to her dedication, hard work, and the support she received from organizations like LULAC and the Hispanic Chamber. As Ale embarks on her medical school journey, she carries with her the pride and hopes of countless individuals who recognize her potential to make a profound impact in the field of medicine. Ale's story inspires us all to support and uplift aspiring Latinx professionals as they strive to transform their dreams into reality.

Alejandra Silva Hernández, our futura doctora, we celebrate your achievements and congratulate you on your acceptance to University of Washington School of Medicine, sí se pudo!

If you would like to contribute to Alejandra's journey, kindly consider supporting her by purchasing items for medical school from her Amazon wish list or by directly sending your contribution to her Venmo account: @alejandrrra.

Your support will make a meaningful difference in helping her achieve her dreams.


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